Meg's English Portfolio
Sailboat Poem

I really enjoyed creating this poem. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment. It was fun to create a sailboat through a poem. Creating this poem wasn't that challenging though. By completing this assignment, I learned a new way to write poetry. Although, I don't think I grew much as a poet because I didn't write a poem with much meaning to it. Next time I will try to make my poem more creative and colorful. I need to put more "life" into it.
My Fish Poem
Swimming, swimming are my two fish,
Swimming, swimming in their big dish.
Their scales so orange, so bright,
They could light up the entire night.
They could never come out and play,
They must stay in their bowl all throughout the day.
They make no sound,
Except when they swim around.
I love my two fish,
as they are swimming, swimming in their big dish.
Doing this assignment was a lot of fun. I got to see my fish in a whole different perspective. It is easier to write about my fish because I see them all the time in their bowl, and I know what they look like. I think I grew as a writer because I tried really hard to find rhyming words, but a lot of the words I would have wanted to choose I wouldn't be able to find a rhyming word for it. Next time I will try to put more time and effort into my poem. I rushed a little when it came to writing my poem, and spent more time into rhyming, which wasn't nessecary.
This reflection is on the book review I wrote for the book 'Once'. I decided to include this assignment in my portfolio because I worked really hard on this. I though it sounded good, and I had a lot of description. Writing this assignment was hard, but afterwards I felt good, because I worked really hard and I thought I did a good job. I learned how to incorporate quotes from the novel into a book review. I had never writen a book review before so by doing this assignment I learned how. I know that in 8th grade I will have to write a lot of essays. Sometimes I might have to write about a book I have read. Now I will be able to incorporate quotes to back up my arguments and make my paper sound better.
The assignment I am writing about is the 'Who I Am' poem. I decided to include this assignment in my portfolio because I feel like I did a good job on this. I put a lot of effort into it, and I am proud of the way it sounds. It was hard to complete this assignment because I decided to rhyme, and it at some parts, it was hard to find a rhyming word. Also, I wanted to make sure it sounded good and reflected my skills as a writer. I feel like I grew as a writer because I put a lot of thought into this and tried my hardest. In 8th grade, I will apply my skills as a writer and try my hardest on every assignment.
Multiple Paragraph Essay
This reflection is on 'The Multiple Paragraph Essay: the goal'. I decided to include this assignment in my portfolio because I worked really hard on this, and I think I did a good job on this. This assignment was hard to complete because I was just starting to get used to writing a five paragraph essay. I didn't quite know how to put good details, but I caught on, and applied them to my essay. In 8th grade, when I am told to write a five paragraph essay, I will be able to. I will apple my knowledge of adding details and use it to make my paper sound great!
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